The smaller male cones release pollen, which fertilizes the female
Welltime Residencies is a luxurious development of six 5-bedroom terrace duplexes located in the prestigious Duboyi neighborhood of Abuja, Nigeria. The project is being developed by Welltime Properties, a leading real estate developer in Nigeria.
Each duplex in Welltime Residencies is meticulously crafted to offer the highest standards of luxury and comfort. The duplexes feature spacious living areas, en-suite bedrooms, fully equipped kitchens, and private balconies. The master suites also feature walk-in closets and jetted bathtubs.
The duplexes are also equipped with a range of modern amenities, including central air conditioning, smart home systems, and security systems.
Welltime Residencies is set in a serene and secure environment, surrounded by lush greenery. The project also features a number of communal amenities, including a swimming pool, gym, clubhouse, and children’s play area.
Welltime Residencies is located in the heart of Duboyi, one of Abuja’s most exclusive neighborhoods. Duboyi is home to a number of high-end residential and commercial developments, as well as embassies and government offices.
The project is also conveniently located close to a number of schools, hospitals, and shopping malls
Welltime Residencies is targeted at affluent individuals and families who are looking for a luxurious and convenient lifestyle in Abuja. The project is also ideal for investors who are looking for a high-growth investment opportunity.
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